Franz Kafka

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Jetsun Milarepa: The Songs of Milarepa (Italian Edition and Portuguese Edition)

Jetsun Milarepa: I Canti di Milarepa (Italian Edition: I Canti di Milarepa) on Amazon and Kobo.

Jetsun Milarepa: I Canti di Milarepa (Portuguese Edition: Jetsun Milarepa: os Cânticos de Milarepa (Todas as Canções Sobre o Dharma, desde “Os Cem Mil Cânticos” ) on Amazon and Kobo.

Milarepa, (born 1040—died 1123), , one of the most famous and beloved of Tibetan Buddhist masters (Siddha). His life and accomplishments are commemorated in two main literary works.
The first is a biography by the “Mad Yogin of Tsang” that chronicles the major events in his life from birth, to Enlightenment, to death. According to this work, Milarepa studied black magic in his younger years in an attempt to gain revenge on a wicked uncle who had stripped his mother and sister of all their property, after having previously promised to look after them when Milarepa’s father died. After a series of successful acts of destruction and revenge against his uncle and other family members, Milarepa is said to have undergone a crisis of conscience. Soon afterward, he sought out various Tibetan Buddhist masters, finally gaining acceptance as a full-fledged disciple under the guidance of the Tibetan master Marpa, founder of the Bka’-brgyud-pa sect. The lengthy relationship between Marpa and Milarepa is a significant element in the biography, since it emphasizes the necessity of, and intimate trust that develops in the student-disciple relationship in VajrayānaBuddhism. After his years of study with Marpa were completed, Milarepa sought out remote, isolated mountain retreats in which he practiced rigorous meditation, only occasionally would he visit Marpa. Milarepa continued the Bka’-brgyud-pa line, converting and teaching many disciples.

The second work of commemoration is a collection of Tantric songs entitled The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa, which express the nature of Buddhist teaching. They also expand upon the climate and conditions of Milarepa’s mountain ascetic retreats as well as the intense labors and ultimate joys of the ascetic life.

Free download "L'Inverno e il Re Triste, una favola", Italian Edition


Until January 1st, 2023, during the Christmas Holidays, as a gift: free download of "L'Inverno e il Re Triste, una favola", Italian Edition on  Amazon Kindle

Free download "L'Inverno e il Re Triste, una favola", Italian Edition; Free e-book, free download on Amazon Kindle

Sunday, September 25, 2022

August in Chuang Yen


August in Chuang Yen


Quietly the evening falls,

through leafy trees

coolly a breeze blows,

the peaceful night comes in high glees.


A deep fullness hovers all around 

one guess is descending from other worlds;

the moon is a buoy, yellow and round,

to perfect stillness in the firmaments.


Memories settle their own slime,

the pot-bellied jug full and wise:

it shall not be another Spring-time,

when accomplished is the holy life.


Chuang Yen Monastery, Carmel, NY,  August 2005  


 Read the book Jersey Blues 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Poems of Giacomo Leopardi, Translated in English

Giacomo Leopardi (b. June 29, 1798, Recanati, Papal States—d. June 14, 1837, Naples) was a poet, a literary scholar, a philosopher, an essayist, and a philologist. His outstanding works and superb lyric poetry granted him a perennial place among the greatest writers of the 19th century.

The collection of Poems of Giacomo Leopardi. 

Available as e-book on Amazon


To Italy 
On Dante’s Monument 
To Angelo Mai 
To His Sister Paolina
To a Victor in the Game of Pallone
The Younger Brutus 
To the Spring
Hymn to the Patriarchs
The Last Song of Sappho 
First Love
The Lonely Sparrow 
The Infinite 
The Evening of the Holiday 
To The Moon 
The Dream 
The Lonely Life 
To the Beloved 
To Count Carlo Pepoli 
The Resurrection 
To Sylvia 
Night-Song of a Wandering Shepherd in Asia 
Calm after Storm 
The Village Saturday-Night 
The Ruling Thought 
Love and Death 
To Himself 
On an Old Sepulchral Bas-Relief 
On the Portrait of a Beautiful Woman 
The Setting of the Moon
The Ginestra 

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Umberto Saba: the Collection of Poems. Umberto Saba's Poetry Translated in English


Umberto Saba: the Collection of Poems. Umberto Saba's Poetry Translated in English by [Alessandro Baruffi]

Umberto Saba: the Collection of Poems. Umberto Saba's Poetry Translated in English. Umberto Saba: "Il Canzoniere" (The Songbook). 

Available as printed book on  Amazon and as ebook on Amazon KindleLuluKobo,
Apple iBooks, Google Books and all major platforms.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Your Mother -- Deine Mutter (1923)



When your mother has grown older,

When her dear, faithful eyes

no longer see life as they once did,

When her feet, grown tired,

no longer want to carry her as she walks -

Then lend her your arm in support,

Escort her with happy pleasure.

The hour will come when, weeping,

You must accompany her on her final walk.

And if she asks you something,

Then give her an answer.

And if she asks again, then speak!

And if she asks yet again, respond to her,

Not impatiently, but with gentle calm.

And if she cannot understand you properly

Explain all to her happily.

The hour will come, the bitter hour,

When her mouth asks for nothing more.

A. H. 1923

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Holy Saturday: Sabato Santo, by Giosuè Carducci. Carducci Essentials: the Poems of Giosuè Carducci Translated in English, Published by LiteraryJoint.

Carducci Essentials: the Poems of Giosuè Carducci Translated in English, Published by LiteraryJoint.

The latest translation of the work of  Giosuè Carducci.

Publisher: LiiteraryJoint Press, USA

Bookstores (Printed and e-book):

Amazon KindleAmazon PrintKobo e-bookGoogle Play Books.

Sabato Santo

Che giovinezza nova, che lucidi giorni di gioia
per la cerula effusa chiarità de l'aprile
cantano le campane con onde e volate di suoni
da la città su' poggi lontanamente verdi! 
Da i superati inferni, redimito il crin di vittoria,
candido, radïante, Cristo risorge al cielo:
svolgesi da l'inverno il novello anno, e al suo fiore
già in presagio la messe già la vendemmia ride. 
Ospite nova al mondo, son oggi vent'anni, Maria,
tu t'affacciasti; e i primi tuoi vagiti coverse
doppio il suon de le sciolte campane sonanti a la gloria:
ora e tu ne la gloria de l'età bella stai,
stai com'uno di questi arboscelli schietti d'aprile
che a l'aura dolce dànno il bianco roseo fiore.
Volgasi intorno al capo tuo giovin, deh, I'augure suono
de le campane anch'oggi di primavera e pasqua!
cacci il verno ed il freddo, cacci l'odio tristo e I'accidia, 
cacci tutte le forme de la discorde vita!

Thursday, March 31, 2022

"Plowing," by Giovanni Pascoli, Original Text with English Translation


Field with Plowing Farmers, by Vincent Van Gogh

The following translation of "Arano" (Plowing) by Giovanni Pascoli is from the book "The Poems of Giovanni Pascoli: Translated in English, with Original Italian Text," published by LiteraryJoint Press (2017). Also available as Amazon ebook (Free on Kindle Unlimited!) and  on Kobo.


In the field, where, rusty-red in the rows,
a few vine leaves shine, and from the thicket the morning fog seems smoke,

folk are plowing: with slow cries, one the slow cows pushes; one plants the seeds; one beats again the turfs with his patient hoe;

for the sparrow knows and his heart rejoices, from a mulberry's bristly branches he spies all on; and the robin: you can hear from the hedges
his delicate tinkling made of gold.



Al campo, dove roggio nel filare qualche pampano brilla, e dalle fratte sembra la nebbia mattinal fumare,

arano: a lente grida, uno le lente vacche spinge; altri semina; un ribatte le porche con sua marra pazïente;

chè il passero saputo in cor già gode, e il tutto spia dai rami irti del moro; e il pettirosso: nelle siepi s’ode
il suo sottil tintinno come d’oro.

From the collection “Myricae” (1891-1900)

From the book "The Poems of Giovanni Pascoli: Translated in English, with Original Italian Text," published by LiteraryJoint Press (2017). Also available as Amazon ebook (Free on Kindle Unlimited!) and  on Kobo.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Spirit of Rhaetia, The Call of the Holy Mountains: Free e-book coupon on BarnesAndNoble (BN, Nook) through January 2022


Free e-book coupon BNPRHAETIA  Spirit of Rhaetia, The Call of the Holy Mountains   redeemable throughout the whole month of January 2022

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