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The fresco of Velia Velcha, one of the masterpieces of Etruria's funeral art. Velia Velcha, as pictured on the right wall of Orcus I, ca. 325 BC.
High on cliffs
beaten by winds,
is a leafy cemetery:
a Christian oasis in Tatar's Etruria.
Down there is the gorgeous
young woman of the Velchas, (*)
who still lives in the Tomb of the Orcus.
It is the gentle bed
of the Girl
just nearby.
Legions of dead descended
into that ancient earth where I hoped
to sleep one day and grow roots.
Oh, to be able to bury
in the silent city
together with myself the fable
of my life!
Not to be else than a corroded stone,
a name that is canceled,
and sleep without memory in the womb
of the homeland as if I had never
been separated from it.
Yet in the extreme gasp
I might be deluded.
I will die when and where
the fate wants.
Perhaps, better befits the vagrant,
who left the fatherly dwelling fall behind,
to be dispersed.
And that to his tantalized bones remains
the yearning, the desire of return.
the yearning, the desire of return.
From the collection "Poesie," 1949
(*) The Tomb of Orcus (Italian: Tomba dell'Orco),
sometimes called the Tomb of Murina (Italian: Tomba dei Murina), is a
4th-century BC Etruscan hypogeum (burial chamber) in Tarquinia, Italy.
Discovered in 1868, it displays Hellenistic influences in its remarkable
murals, which include the portrait of Velia Velcha, an Etruscan noblewoman, and
the only known pictorial representation of the demon Tuchulcha. In general, the
murals are noted for their depiction of death, evil, and unhappiness.
Because the tomb was built in two sections at
two stages, it is sometimes referred to as the Tombs of Orcus I and II; it is
believed to have belonged to the Murina family, an offshoot of the Etruscan
Spurinnae. The foundation is inscribed with the following enigmatic phrase:
"Vincenzo Cardarelli: The Forgotten amongst the Great. A Collection of
the Best Poems by Vincenzo Cardarelli, Translated in English," available as e-book on Amazon Kindle, iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, on NOOK Book, on Kobo, and as printed, traditional edition through Lulu.
Alto su rupe,
battuto dai venti,
un cimitero frondeggia:
cristiana oasi nel Tartaro etrusco.
Là sotto è la fanciulla
bellissima dei Velcha,
che vive ancora nella Tomba dell’Orco.
E’ il giaciglio gentile
della Pulzella
poco discosto.
Legioni di morti calarono
in quell’antica terra ove sperai
dormire un giorno e rimetter radici.
Oh poter seppellire
nella città silente
insiem con me la favola
di mia vita!
Non esser più che una pietra corrosa,
un nome cancellato,
e riposar senza memoria in grembo
alla terra natia come se mai
me ne fossi scostato.
Ma nel sospiro estremo
sarò forse deluso.
Io morrò dove e quando
il fato vorrà.
Meglio forse al randagio
che lasciò il patrio asilo
cader per via conviene, esser disperso.
E resti all’ossa inappagate il fremito,
il desio del ritorno.
Dalla raccolta "Poesie," 1949
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